Sept 2, 2020 FULL MOON in the Sign of the Hundred Healers

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FULL MOON in the Sign of the Hundred Healers

We begin the month with a Full Moon on Sept 2 at 1:22 eastern time in 16:03 degrees of sidereal Aquarius in the Vedic sign Satabhishak, which means “the 100 healers” in Sanskrit. This month, the Moon asks us to reach beyond one system or modality to heal that which afflicts us. Its purpose is the healing of the whole and asks us to look at all areas of our lives and to reach out to multiple practitioners for support. It tells us we need the support - that it’s not an option at the moment - and that it will take multiple layers to support the healing at hand.

Ruled by Saturn and Rahu, Satabhishak favors alternative modalities that are tried and true, specifically the “hundred stars and flowers, and the empty circle.” Astrology, herbal support, flower essences, essential oils, and smudging are some modalities to incorporate into your current self-care routine. As always, please connect with a practitioner for proper herbal support. Self medicating is not recommended as this sign looks to practitioners with experience.

The empty circle represents “maya” and reminds us of the illusions we encounter in life. Meditation is key with the “empty circle” aspect of this full moon, as is taking time away from the things that appear to fill up our circles. Consider a screen detox or even taking a vow of silence for some time - from a few hours to a few days. These “empty” moments where we turn inward are likely more full and fulfilling than anything we can see with our outwardly focusing eyes.

Indeed a powerful way to start the month.

Be well, everyone, and don’t forget to reach out for support. None of us are beyond it, and all of us need it.


MARS goes RETROGRADE in sidereal ARIES on Sept 9 at 18:23 eastern time until Nov 13 at 19:36
