JUPITER IN AQUARIUS: Innovation ahead

JUPITER IN AQUARIUS: Innovation ahead

Jupiter is moving back into in sidereal Aquarius Nov 20, 2021 13:01 eastern time until April 13, 2022, revisiting where Jupiter was from April 2021-Sept 2021. Think back to that time. As forecasted, things began to open up more (see https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWUMYcjmLD/ pic of hiker on the mountain top pointing to the light in the distance). We can expect the same again, and more in March/April 2022 when some of the slower moving planets move and break free of the tight grip they’ve had on each other since Nov 2019.

Jupiter is the planet of philosophy, spirituality, mentors and gurus. It’s the visionary who loves to look to the horizon for what’s next, whether it’s a journey on land or in terms of ideas and possibilities. Aquarius is a forward thinker and draws in others because of its uniqueness and openness. As an air sign, it takes the leap into unchartered territory, and loves to talk about new paths and have civil discussions with others. But being a fixed sign, it has firm viewpoints and understands not everyone beats to the same drum. Put the two together and you get innovators, scientists and change-makers.

Marie Curie had Jupiter in Aquarius.

Johannes Kepler had Jupiter in Aquarius.

Albert Einstein had Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces, where Saturn will be in 2025.

Isaac Newton had Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces.

Nikola Tesla had Jupiter in Pisces, where Jupiter will be next.

Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell had Saturn in Aquarius, where Saturn is next.

While we don’t just look at one planet in a chart, Jupiter and Saturn had significant influence on these revolutionary thinkers who made lasting impacts. They are the same planetary configurations we are entering into with Jupiter and soon with Saturn. This is exciting and hopeful for us over the next few years as we will be working with these energies.

But: Saturn is still in Capricorn which is more traditional, conforming and likes to work within established systems. When it shifts into Aquarius at the end of April 2022 for the next 3 years, it will be ready to manifest the innovative ideas Jupiter will be checking out these next 5 months.



*My automated scheduler is up! Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last few months!


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