Jupiter in Pisces: Transcendence, Expansion and Abundance 

Jupiter in Pisces: Transcendence, Expansion and Abundance 

One of the most exciting shifts of the year is Jupiter moving into sidereal Pisces (April 13, 2022 at 6:20am – April 21, 2023 at 19:45 eastern time) as it will happily be in its own sign. Jupiter is the planet of opportunities, expansion, abundance, philosophy and spirituality. Jupiter, “the Great Benefic,” wants us to learn, grow, and step into all we are meant to be and have. It helps us lift our gaze to see the possibilities approaching and infuses us with the enthusiasm needed to embrace opportunity. It’s the part of us that is our unshakeable faith in where we are heading. It shows up in the teachers we love and trust, who uplift us and encourage us to be visionaries and dream of new horizons. Pisces is a sign of poetry, idealism, intuition, expansion, dreams, mysticism and transcendence, and shares similar qualities to Jupiter, its ruling planet. Together, they are a supportive blessing in the sky.

This year, we are being gifted a chance to increase our inner knowing. It’s a time where we can break-through and transcend (lifetimes!) old spiritual and emotional blockages. Forgiveness will play a big role this next year, as will being able to recognize and integrate the lessons that often times come from life challenges. This is where true wisdom comes from, so reach out to practitioners for support if you feel stuck. Jupiter in Pisces, being highly sensitive and empathetic, leans into personal development, not only for itself but recognizes the effect we each have on the whole. If we take the time to heal our existential wounds, we are directly affecting and amplifying this kind of healing in the world. This isn’t airy-fairy stuff. As the final sign of the zodiac and as a bridge from the physical to the metaphysical/spiritual realm, Pisces reminds us that one day, we will each transcend our physical states of being, and so we might as well start getting this transcendence thing started while we are embodied. Whatever tool is reached for to help release from old habits and stuck ways, Jupiter in Pisces reminds us the time to do so is now.

This is also a time to jump at opportunities which present themselves – just keep expectations for the outcome realistic and slightly flexible since both Jupiter and Pisces can be hard to pin down. The biggest shadow side of this beautiful planetary connection is that it is the original “pie in the sky” dreamer who can get overly optimistic, overextend and take on too much. It can lose its rooting if its vision is too far-reaching for the action-steps it has in place, or it can simply get stuck in the dream and forever brainstorm and have no plans laid out. An important key to working well with this energy over the next year: set aside time to work on your action steps. Make a plan for the things you are envisioning so the dream can become a reality! If this isn’t your strong suit, connect with someone who can help you, whether that is and accountability partner or a well-structured business-minded friend. Jupiter in Pisces wants expansion of ideas and of wealth; the work needs to be done to manifest this. When it goes retrograde (end of July to end of Nov), we will all be given a chance to revisit and revise our plans. In the meantime, let’s get to it!

A bit about Mars:

Mars was in a planetary war with Saturn last week which created irritability, short tempers, exhaustion and an overall sense of “I’m so done” for many (plus this was soon after the recent Venus-Mars planetary war!). Thankfully, Mars has moved into sidereal Aquarius (April 7-May 17) and was sitting with Jupiter for the last few days – not long but long enough to give this feisty planet of energy and drive a renewed sense of focus and motivation. Note: Mars will be traveling with Saturn again over the month of May once Saturn shifts into sidereal Aquarius on April 29, so we may experience the push-pull of Mars wanting to get going in any way possible, and Saturn making us have structure and a plan of action. This combo is tricky if we can’t find that sweet spot of organization and action. The key is to honor Saturn first and make a schedule, set dates you can realistically commit to for the action steps you want to take (this will also help Jupiter’s vision!), then let Mars at it. Mars will be like a horse at the gate, ready to race hard and be successful, but it needs a clear goal in sight and its blinders on to stay the course. Use these next few weeks since the visionary energy is strong in the sky, and get the ideas down on paper. 



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