Happy Vedic New Year! Time for a New Era to Begin with the New Moon in Revati

Happy Vedic New Year! Time for a New Era to Begin with the New Moon in Revati


April is an “UGADI” or “new era” month with almost every planet shifting signs, most notably Jupiter on April 13 and Saturn on April 28. We begin the month and the Vedic New Year with the *first New Moon in sidereal Pisces on April 1 at 2:24am eastern time. (There is a *second New Moon on April 30 which is also the first eclipse of the year.) One thing to remember: old ideologies (personal, political, emotional) will not enjoy the changes we are about to experience and will dig their heels in as we shift into more progressive and inclusive planetary combinations this month and in the next few years. Thankfully, the Revati New Moon beginning this Vedic New Year has a generous heart and is a patient and supportive sign to help us transcend the old and accompany us into the new. This New Moon is connecting to Saturn, reminding us these changes we envision will require effort and commitment on our part. Nobody is going to save us; we must do the work ourselves. Mercury is in a fierce sign and sitting with the New Moon signifying our mindset is one of the most important areas to focus on this month and this coming year. We might just have to throw some old ideas into the fire pit, without ego attachment.


Before we look ahead, this New Moon is asking us a to reflect back over the year, and more extensively over the last 5 years of the larger Vedic cycle. The last year was called “PLAVA” meaning “boat” signifying our journey across rough waters. The Vedic New Year we are now beginning is called “SHUBHKRUT,” meaning “beautifully made” or “creating prosperity and glory.” This is our chance – as individuals and a collective – to make changes that will bring us into the new era that is presenting from every direction.


The New Moon is in Revati, the final sign of the 27 Vedic nakshatras, which directly connects to the paths and journeys we are on, on the physical and metaphysical planes. It is a transcendent sign that has the ability to rise above with love and compassion, and genuinely wants to help those it meets. It is one of the most auspicious signs for spiritual growth and extends its arms out to care for those who are lost or simply need a friend. The deity is Pushan the nurturer who tends to our marriages, meetings and journeys – the connections we make along the way that uplift and support us. Revati’s symbol is the udder of the cow, freely giving nurturing to those in need. The shadow side, although minimal, is one of overextending and exhaustion, so we need to watch for that. As we are told on airplanes: put your oxygen mask on first.


This Moon is a great opportunity to reflect on where we have been, and to take time to honor ourselves and the journeys we’ve been on these years. Try to do so without judgment or bitterness, but with compassion towards yourself and those who have accompanied you. As Ram Dass said, we’re all just walking each other home.

¨     What’s the journey you have been on?

¨     How have you managed?

¨     What insights have come?

¨     What release has happened?

¨     Do you feel a sense of transcendence about the time you’ve come through?

¨     Are you able to move forward with peace and a stronger inner knowing?

¨     What’s the next journey presenting?



Jupiter in Pisces: Transcendence, Expansion and Abundance 


FULL MOON in Uttara Phalguni: Connect and Find Joy