Full Moon in sidereal Libra: Merge Actions with Intentions, Brick by Brick

The Full Moon on April 16 at 14:55pm eastern time is in Chitra nakshatra, the Vedic sign whose name means “bright” and is considered to be the star of opportunity. Chitra, a master craftsman who is said to shine like a gem, turns our heads and draws our focus to it and its creations, inspiring and uplifting us, helping to re-ignite the spark within us. It’s ruled by the deity Tvashtr (or Vishvakarma), the celestial architect who through Chitra has a way of taking an idea and bringing it into the world in such a beautiful way, it leaves us motivated and in awe.

This Full Moon tells us to look at the dreams we have had, and to make sure our actions are in alignment with them so our intentions can come to fruition. Saturn (aka Mr. Responsibility and Manifestation) is connecting to this Moon, pushing us to formulate a plan to move ahead, and to begin making decisions one by one. The next 1-2 weeks is a great time to reflect, recalibrate and get on track.

This Full Moon in Chitra is ruled by Venus and Mars, and so pulls into focus these two planets who give us the ability to move through life with grace and strength. They are sitting together in sidereal Aquarius, both in Satabhishak, whose name translates as “the hundred healers.” This combo lets us to explore all of ways we can heal, and reminds us there are many paths to wholeness. It encourages us to use different approaches instead of the same old methods, including: the hundred physicians, the hundred flowers, the hundred stars and the empty circle. Working with multiple practitioners, using food and herbs as medicine, consulting astrology and other mystical systems, and meditating are all methods to consider as these help reconnect us to our true selves and help us uncover the mysteries of life. The primary message of Venus and Mars in Satabhishak (activated by this Full Moon) is one of multifaceted healing to take good care of our bodies in order to help us move with more ease in life. Ayurveda and annamayakosha tell us this is the foundational intention, and all else is built upon this.



Take Off the Blinders and Pick Up the Binoculars: Saturn Shifts Into Sidereal Aquarius


Jupiter in Pisces: Transcendence, Expansion and Abundance