Jan 29, 2025 at 7:35 a.m. ET: New Moon in Shravana: Listening / Silence / Alignment
The New Moon in sidereal Capricorn is in the sweet sign Shravana, the listener, whose name means “ear” or “hearing” in Sanskrit. Its symbols are an ear, a trident, and 3 footprints connected to the 3 strides Vishnu, its presiding deity, took to measure the earth, the heavens and the space in between. It’s connected to the sound AUM, also corresponding to the beginning, middle and end: to creation, preservation, and dissolution. It is said the Universe itself whirls to the hum of aum.
This New Moon wants us to listen intently: to the whispers our inner guidance and insights are offering, to our mentors and loved ones, to the healing vibrations of music and mantra. Shravana guides us to truly hear what is being shared even if it’s not directly being said. Hidden from sight, the New Moon offers an opportunity this lunar cycle to regularly go inward, recalibrate and reorient ourselves so we can align with what truly matters. We’re asked to honor what we are hearing, not with our ears but with our hearts. Wisdom is often revealed in silence.
But this feels hard lately. The chaos of the times, the upcoming planetary intensity in the next few months, the retrogrades making us stand still and question our direction, even regret decisions we’ve made... it’s a tricky moment with a lot of external noise and internal anxious dialogue. All the more important to make time in silence and with elevated vibration and connection – not with sound bites or the scroll that fills the space.
This Moon’s shakti/power is connection – something that comes from sitting quietly, truly listening and being able to lovingly hold vulnerability. As the first Moon of the year encouraged us to meditate during the predawn Brahma Muhurta hours (a powerful window into deeper connection and healing), this New Moon asks us and to practice mindful listening and to incorporate sound therapy to help break up stagnation. We are presented with a chance for alignment rather than succumbing to the chatter that overwhelms. It asks us to remember our purpose, and to listen to the truth we already know within.
To consider this New Moon:
· Are you practicing silence? Or are you inadvertently filling the time and space?
· What whispers are you hearing when you get quiet?
· What ideas or mentors are speaking most to your heart?
· What songs or sounds are especially important to you right now?
· Are you preserving and nurturing what matters to you?
· Mantras and sound therapy suggestions: consider chanting AUM (supports parasympathetic nervous system and vagus nerve tone), the Sanskrit alphabet (said to activate all organs and systems in our bodies), or the bija (“seed”) mantras connecting to the central chakras (where ida and pingala nadis intersect with sushumna): Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Aum, Aum or internal aum/silence