FULL MOON: Recognizing the (Super)Hero in Your Journey


FULL MOON: Recognizing the (Super)Hero in Your Journey
Oct 1 at 17:04 eastern: This Full Moon is in the sensitive yet fierce sign of Uttara Bhadrapada, a degree of sidereal Pisces which means “the latter blessed” in Sanskrit. It’s a fascinating and complex sign, combining a sense of calm, heightened intuition and kindness with the warrior-like abilities necessary to fearlessly walk through the fire, unaffected.

This Full Moon, surrounded by malefic planets, has its work cut out for it. Like Sisyphus pushing the boulder uphill, we feel the heaviness and seriousness of the time we are in. Thankfully, this Full Moon is ruled by Jupiter and Saturn (the planetary Masters of the Universe); by Ananta, the expansive and kundalini-awakening serpent of the deep; and by Lakshmi, the goddess of love and abundance. Armed with a positive disposition, this Full Moon has the wherewithal to combat the energetics surrounding it – and us – right now (like Wonder Woman and her bracelets!). It has magnetism, power, and a sense of virtue which chooses the highest good.

Now here’s where things get personal. We connected with this exact sign with the March 23, 2020 New Moon. Take a moment to think back. Most of the world was in full quarantine, many of us in the very beginning of it (and some of us baking lots of bread). This indefatigable sign was present then, quietly laying out the tools for us to get through this time, hinting that we would go through the fire – and somehow become unmessable. This Full Moon is like a book end, offering a moment of reflection, asking us to look within and assess how we have managed the last 6 months, even if we haven’t spoken a word about our personal journeys.

Does this ring true? Have you gotten stronger in yourself? In your core? In your inner knowing? Have you been a light bearer? Or have you been feeding into fear? This of course is not to diminish the horrible and scary events of 2020. Every hero’s journey is full of unthinkable catastrophes. We still have a road ahead of us, but we are on the upswing. Whatever Pantheon you pick, this Full Moon supports us in grabbing our light sabers or lassos and embracing the spiritual warrior within.



Mercury Retrograde in sidereal Libra: October 13 21:05pm eastern time until November 3 at 12:50pmRE-EVALUATE RELATIONSHIPS and YOUR PLAN. KEEP GOSSIP AT BAY.
