
On Sept 19 at 11:55am eastern time, the Nodes of the Moon shift into Taurus and Scorpio. Rahu has been in sidereal Gemini and Ketu in Sagittarius for the last 1.5 years, working with us and working us over re: our trust and faith, mindset and beliefs, and especially how we communicate these. Now Rahu moves into sidereal Taurus and Ketu into sidereal Scorpio until March 16, 2022 at 7pm.

The energies we are working with now (outlined below) can happily dive in the deep end or go to extremes, so we will all need to be mindful about what we are manifesting with them in our lives, which in turn directly affects those around us. Passion and that unspoken inner pull will be our new leaders, with the focus often times being on what we can see and feel – physically, financially and intimately – as well as intuitively. Material gain, stability and growth in general is likely for the next 18 months, especially for those restructuring, rehabilitating, rejuvenating and rebuilding. Healing wounds around intimacy, sex and sexuality, and unhindered creative expression will arise, as will our newfound relationship with money and stability. The first and second chakras get activated with this new shift, as we are encouraged to root deeply within our bodies, our personal relationships and back to Mother Earth.

The Nodes revisit signs every 18 years and give us a chance to work with them again, tweaking and healing challenges that came up from when they were previously present. The last time they were here was Feb 27, 2002 – Aug 27, 2003. It’s helpful to look back into your personal history to see how these energies showed up in your life. As always, when heavy hitting planets shift, like the Nodes of the Moon are now, sensitive ones or those in a sensitive space are likely to be most affected by this. Take care of yourself and those around you these days.

Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, connects to the head of the mythical creature, and is voracious and tenacious in its drive, its wanting and attaining. It can gobble up whatever is in its path, leaving it wanting more. It needs strong guidance and focusing as it can bring about chaos. This of course requires courage and strength, found only in a strong inner core.

Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, is Rahu’s counterpart and so its energy can be quite opposite. It connects to the tail of the mythical creature, and so has no head, no physical vision or senses, but rather asks us to sit and rest in our inner knowing. Ketu often times creates confusion and the feeling of being in a never-ending fog, yet when well placed (as it is now) it can be magical, mystical and spiritually inclined. It’s our past life gifts we are born somehow knowing but may doubt.

These planetary energies are always asking us to find the balance between letting go of the past so as to embark on our new path. They can stir up huge emotions, energy and karmas. As they connect to what can eclipse us in life, they need to be consistently checked to make sure they aren’t overriding other intentions and plans we have.

Ketu in Scorpio makes us purge, cleanse, release from the old that no longer serves or whose karmic time has come to an end. With Ketu, we do the deep bow, say Namaste and move along as we release from old attachments. Ketu has us bounce between doubting and trusting ourselves. Scorpio has incredibly strong intuition and convictions. This combo can strengthen our knowing – however, there may be some relinquishing of old beliefs first.

Rahu in Taurus has an insatiable desire and drive to build, attain, succeed financially, connect physically – whether it’s with its partner or with property it’s buying and renovating. If the space (energetic or physical) has been cleared, then we can dive headfirst into this active building. If the release hasn’t happened (physically or karmically), then it will create frustration. Keep in mind, Rahu desperately needs a plan, as does Taurus. Take time to make one. Keep it realistic; Taurus appreciates this. Don’t overextend; Rahu can do this to the point of exhaustion. Stay focused for specific lengths of time rather than open-ended, then make sure you take a break, stretch, get physical and get Rahu’s wiggles out. Having a structured plan is key for Rahu in Taurus to manifest what its desires, otherwise it can explode.

Rahu will shift into Taurus, which is ruled by Venus and is the first earth sign. Taurus can be (generally speaking) rooted, grounded, slower moving, focused on material gain and comforts. Ketu will shift into Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars and represents the ice phase of water. Scorpio can be passionate, intense, deep, mysterious, transformative and even destructive. These signs and their ruling planets are highly physical, a contrast to the more cerebral signs of Gemini and Sagittarius we were working with over the last 1.5 years. The Nodes, which have no physical body and are considered shadow planets, are exalted in Taurus and Scorpio – meaning their energies flow well without much hinderance. We may not feel the benefits of this exalted placement until early 2021, which is when things begin to settle in more, and until after we experience a round of eclipses at the end of 2020 when the Nodes show us the areas they want us to focus on.

As the Nodes of the Moon connect with eclipses and reveal secrets that have been hidden, the uncovering will focus on Taurus and Scorpio ruled areas. Taurus: finance, property, stability, gains especially at home (vs abroad like other signs would do). Scorpio: purging and cleansing (karmically and physically), passions and sexuality, abuses, secrets and mysteries revealed – or created. We will experience eclipses with these signs on:

November 30, 2020: lunar eclipse 14 degrees Taurus
December 14, 2020: solar eclipse 28 degrees Scorpio
May 26, 2021: lunar eclipse 10 degrees Scorpio
June 10, 2021: solar eclipse 25 degrees Taurus
November 18, 2021: lunar eclipse 2 degrees Taurus
December 4, 2021: solar eclipse 17 degrees Scorpio

Whenever Mars comes around, it brings friction and a bit of discomfort for change and growth. Mars is the warrior and highlights desires, eagerness, taking action, being brave, being an activist or a trailblazer, being quick or impulsive, being combative or aggressive. Mars is working us over until the end of 2020, so take time to focus on its expressions in your life and be honest with yourself if it is time to shift how you work with Mars. On Sept 19, Mars is back in sensitive *gandanta degrees until October 15. These “tied knot” degrees force us to look at how we are interact with Mars, and what needs adjusting. *Gandanta degrees are highly charged junctures of water and fire signs and their corresponding nakshatras (or Vedic signs). They can create all types of fires and floods on the earth plane (which we tragically have been seeing), and within us. As Mars shifts out of sidereal Aries and into Pisces, we will likely see more floods instead of fires.

The personal challenge of a gandanta time is to get out of our own way, to look where we are being stubborn, where we are standing in our own way, where we are blaming, where our personal “knots” are… and begin to unravel them. It takes courage to do so since this isn’t easy work. In fact, it’s the kind of work that allows us to make leaps in our personal and spiritual lives if we are able to recognize and face these old hurts, traumas, and mindset patterns that have held us back.

*As I was about to post this forecast last night, I read about the passing of RBG. Out of honor and gratitude to her and for all she did for our country, I felt it was appropriate to wait. May she rest in peace.


FULL MOON: Recognizing the (Super)Hero in Your Journey


Sept 17 at 7:00am eastern time: NEW MOON in UTTARA PHALGUNI: GIVE and RECEIVE HELP and SUPPORT