Mercury Retrograde in sidereal Libra: October 13 21:05pm eastern time until November 3 at 12:50pmRE-EVALUATE RELATIONSHIPS and YOUR PLAN. KEEP GOSSIP AT BAY.


Mercury Retrograde in sidereal Libra: October 13 21:05pm eastern time until November 3 at 12:50pm

Mercury retrograde affects the big C's of our lives: communication, connections, computers, cars - and this time for Americans, casting a vote! (After all, it goes direct on election day.) So many fear Mercury retrograde times; it's understandable! Our minds can spin out of control, emotions get heightened and we often experience misunderstandings and frustrations. While Mercury retrograde can definitely bring about delays and challenges, we are also given a chance to take a step back, gain perspective, reflect on where we’ve been, and begin redesigning our paths.

This Mercury retrograde in sidereal Libra, the sign of relationships, justice, women’s rights, and the arts (among other things). Libra’s focuses will be up for re-examining over the next few weeks, and it won’t be easy. Mercury is also connecting with Mars and Saturn, which can be be tough planets to work with. They often beat you up until you toughen up. It’s likely there will be upset, even if it’s not spoken about. Be mindful of your conversations, intentions and of any unkind whispers or gossip.

If people are connecting with these placements without much introspection or space for reflection, it could bring about harsh comments and gossip. Since Mercury Retrograde is in Libra - the peace keeping sign of relationships and balance - it might not want to have discussions or negotiations. Since it’s being aspected by malefic planets, Mercury could simply not care who it upsets or what bridges are burned.

However, this could create regrets down the road, as reactive and impatient retrograde times often do. When Mercury is retrograde, it is always recommended to think before you speak or make any important decisions. Being reflective not reactive during this Mercury retrograde time is key.

Instead, we can use this time to channel the Mars and Saturn aspects Mercury is receiving into envisioning and adjusting our current paths. Saturn likes a plan and Mars likes action. However, Mars is also retrograde so it will need patience before it puts its foot on the gas. Mercury (especially in an air sign) can be all talk, so use this time to start getting the ideas floating about organized and fleshed out. “Plan first then take action” is the mantra of the moment. Mercury’s Libra influence does well with partnerships, so tune into who feels like a good and supportive fit to help bring your ideas into manifestation.

Mercury Retrograde’s most important question is always this: how will you respond? Let's throw reactions out the window this Mercury retrograde. They just show there's some unexamined insecurity and victim mentality showing up. Let's empower ourselves by taking a moment to reflect, release if necessary, reorganize / realign, and then respond and reembark.

If we can look at Mercury retrograde times as opportunities for personal reflection, to take extra time and care, and for learning to manage our innermost thoughts and frustrations, then we have mastered something huge in life.

Some questions for this Mercury retrograde which is connecting to Libra, the sign of balance, creativity, relationships:

1. Do you feel supported? Think about how you need to be heard and seen, and by whom. Write it out and edit.

2. Have you scheduled time with loved ones? Remember reconnecting is a typical Mercury retrograde gift.

3. When confronted with a challenging connection, what's your response? Do you react and yell? Do you take a moment to process and then respond?

4. Are you connected to your breath? Libra governs the pelvis and likes balance, so alternate nostril breathing or deep pelvic breaths are helpful now.

5. Are you taking time to be creative or to appreciate art? Do what you can; a little will go a long way.

6. Have you been thinking of someone from the past? Is this a chance for you to reconnect with or release from the karma?

7. Have you taken time to look at your personal relationships? Are there some in need of attention?


NEW MOON in Sidereal VIRGO in Chitra: Let your inner light shine – for YOU.


FULL MOON: Recognizing the (Super)Hero in Your Journey