MARS IN SCORPIO WITH KETU: Dec 4-Jan 16, 2022: Check Yourself

MARS IN SCORPIO WITH KETU: Dec 4-Jan 16, 2022: Check Yourself

*REPOSTING FROM PREVIOUS FORECAST - this is important Mars info that could have gotten overlooked in the eclipse forecast*

A key player the next two months is Mars, which joined the eclipse crew the evening of Dec 4. Mars connects with courage, strength, motivation, action, energy, activism and aggression. Scorpio is deep, inquisitive, passionate, suspicious even. The two together give drive and focus, but can also create some obsessive tendencies.

Mars was “combust” since mid-August until the end of November. During this time it was sluggish at best, and affected our motivation and even our zest for life. As it moves into its own sign of Scorpio and passes over the eclipse points (Dec 9 and 30), it is an important catalyst in helping us access what was highlighted by the eclipses.

After moving like molasses the last few months, Mars is suddenly taking center stage, and it has fire under its feet. This shift is dramatic, and while it will be welcome and energizing in many ways, we must remember extreme transitions like this are tough. It will have more strength in its own sign of Scorpio for the next 7 weeks, but it will require harnessing and caution since it will sit with Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. This planetary combination can be very transformative, but also has potential to be explosive and volatile.

Since we can only control ourselves, pitta-pacifying practices will be helpful when things get too heated. Pitta is hot, sharp, light, oily, liquid, and mobile – like a fire or a volcano. In Ayurveda, “like increases like,” and we balance with opposites: hot-cool / sharp-slow, dull / light-heavy / liquid-dense / mobile-static. The organs that will be over-active and needing of extra support will be the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Some remedies to help us keep our cool:
• spinal twists to wring out the midsection / solar plexus organs
• milk thistle supplement (this tends to be helpful for most people to take but check with your dr)
• cooling herbs and foods: cumin, coriander, fennel, lime, cilantro, coconut water, cucumber
• dark leafy greens to support the liver
• cooling pranayama like “sitkari” (hissing breath, when you breathe through the teeth) or “sheetali” pranayama (sipping cool air through the tongue curled up like a straw)
• eat sitting down with feet on the ground
• take 3 deep belly breaths before eating
• Put the caffeine, the shiracha and alcohol away for the next 7 weeks as Mars is in Scorpio and sits with pitta predominant Ketu! *These are tough ones, especially during the holiday season. They can however flame pitta’s fire incredibly quickly and so we must check in with our moods and our company before we make certain choices these next 7 weeks. Think on occasion or special occasion!

It will be important to do our best to keep from getting triggered and lashing out during this 7 week Mars-Ketu connection, especially on and around Dec 15 when the two come together in exact degrees. We will have to truly listen to our bodies’ needs during this time since we are in a digestive reset of sorts as Mars comes back online. The Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19 encouraged us to stoke our agni (digestive fire). This Mars transit will make us tend to it in a more careful way. It might feel touch and go at times, trying to “digest” all that is on our “plates.” The digestive fire is what helps us process and integrate everything in life – from the food we eat to the events in our lives. It is what keeps us excited and engaged, and very simply what keeps us moving forward.



*My automated scheduler is up! Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last few months!


Full Moon in sidereal Gemini: Live and let live 


Solar Eclipse in Jyeshtha and Mars in Scorpio: Two Powerful Shifts in Scorpio on the same day