New Moon in Shravana: Silence, Music or Mantra

New Moon in Shravana: Silence, Music or Mantra

We will have a New Moon in sidereal Capricorn on Feb 1 at 00:47am eastern time. The message it brings is to take time for yourself – and by yourself if necessary. The Moon’s current connections (specifically Saturn and Mercury retrograde) and to efficient Capricorn encourage us to pull back from overextending. The nakshatra Shravana is not about small talk and would prefer to honor the silence or fill the space with music and mantra (like AUM). The sounds we hear and say should move us, not exhaust us.


Take the space you need from constant conversation. Turn off the screens. Mute the notifications. Take a day of silence (or a few) if possible. Set hours in the day for the next month when silence is observed and see how that might feel supportive. Shravana likes to keep it simple, calm and clear.


Remember: the planets are always giving us hints of how to prepare for what’s coming next. The month of February is fairly quiet astrologically, but we know March and April will have some massive shifts coming (Rahu/Ketu shift mid-March, Jupiter shifts mid-April, Saturn shifts at the end of April). It’s a great idea to take this “astrological down time” to cultivate a supportive relationship with silence and mantra so they become a part in our daily routines. While the upcoming shifts are most definitely welcome, not everyone is happy when change is on the horizon.


Two other important events we are in which may be affecting how we are interacting: Venus just went direct after being retrograde from Dec 19-Jan 29, and that Mercury is going to be shifting directions on Feb 3 (it went retrograde on Jan 14). Having had both Venus and Mercury retrograde at the same time could have created issues in relationships and in conversation (more so than devices this time). The days around the planets shifting are when things come up for us to revisit. Taking the time and space this New Moon is suggesting we take to reflect, listen to our hearts and share the essentials rather than all the details of the story is even more important than usual. The beauty of this time is we get to heal old wounds. Creating new ones is the challenge.


*reviewing past forecasts on Venus and Mercury are helpful in this time:


Full Moon and Planetary Subtleties


Jan 17 Full Moon in sidereal Cancer, Pushya nakshatra: Drop the Drama