Dec 29 at 22:28 EST: Full Moon in Ardra: Efforts Create Brilliance / Managing Vata


Dec 29 at 22:28 EST: Full Moon in Ardra: Efforts Create Brilliance / Managing Vata

The Moon is reflective in nature as is the end of any year. Of course, 2020 brings us a complicated Full Moon to wrap up the year. Sitting in sidereal Gemini the Moon is in Ardra, a Vedic sign whose name means “the green one” or “moist” in Sanskrit. It is full of intensity, inner conflict, intellect and brilliance. It can shine like a diamond, but often times has to go through difficulty, pressure, sweat and tears in order to succeed. Thankfully, it has the strength to persevere and create the fertile soil necessary for its vision to manifest. Ardra’s wisdom reminds us that pruning is an important part of the growth process: to unapologetically cut off what is finished and move forward without the weight of the past.

We all have work to do with the planets in our own birth charts and how they present in our lives at different times. When we look at this Full Moon from an Ayurvedic perspective, collectively we are working very closely with vata dosha. In Ayurveda, vata is ruled by ether and air elements, and therefore governs the spaces and movement in our bodies, minds and world. Vata’s “gunas” or qualities are: cold, dry, rough, subtle, mobile, clear and light. A basic Ayurvedic principle is: like increases like and opposites balance. When this much “vata” is present in and around us, we can easily lose our boundaries, feel ungrounded, overextended, anxious, frazzled, and even on the verge of collapse. (*balancing tips below!)

Ardra is a degree of the air sign Gemini. At the time of the Full Moon, it is sitting in the 11th house, which is traditionally ruled by the air sign Aquarius. Ardra is ruled by Mercury and Rahu, with Rahu bringing in ether element with a bang. Mercury is a chameleon and mimics whoever he’s with, so in this case, increase ether and air energy. Finally, Ardra is ruled by the deity Rudra, a manifestation of Shiva, known as the god of storms and howling winds. This Full Moon brings in more vata on top of the already prominent vata qualities present during this time of transition. Whew!

Here are some simple ways to support vata in our lives, to feel grounded, and to bring ether and air elements back into a place of balance:

1) Food: meals at regular times made with warming spices and ghee or oil. Vata likes “one bowl meals” like kitchari or puréed root vegetable soups.
2) Abhyanga: oiling up with warmed up oil (usually sesame) before bathing is a wonderful way to ground and nurture, as well as to remind vata to come back “home” to the body. My mentor Dr. Claudia Welch wrote a wonderful article on the benefits of self-massage and how to do it: (also linked on Resources page)
3) Sleep: going to bed at regular times, and especially before midnight (10pm latest!) is so important for managing vata which is known for getting a second wind late in the night.
4) Breathwork: slow, deep belly breaths are grounding help to root vata, and will consciously help fill the space.
5) Yoga: favor seated poses and ones which activate the pelvis and thighs, which are 2 of vata’s home in our bodies.
6) Cyber detox or limits: ether element and Rahu connect to screens and the infinite scroll. Vata can easily get lost here, and so taking regular time away and having limitations/ parameters/ timers for how long to be online is enormously helpful to managing Vata dosha. Hint: setting a timer for 22 minutes is key! (Watch my video here or in my bio for more on this:
7) Keep it simple: vata can easily overreach and overextend itself, which sets itself up for defeat and self-criticism. Choosing 3 things at most to adjust or incorporate. Let’s not overburden vata while trying to help it!
If audio or video is easier, here is a wonderful IG live video on how to manage vata by my dear friend and soul sister Tory Hyndman via Delight Yoga in the Netherlands. This is invaluable information given in such an accessible way:

*Thankfully, 2021 does not have as much planetary movement or intensity as 2020. There are some moments to be aware of, but things look better as a whole as we move into the second quarter of the year.

::best wishes for a safe and happy new year::


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