Mars is on the move: Dec 23, 2020 at 11:50pm EST


Mars is on the move: Dec 23 at 11:50pm EST
Mars is a zippy planet, blazing through each sign for about month at a time. It’s been in sidereal Pisces since June 2020, so staying in a sign for about 6 months does happen but certainly isn’t common (but hey, what about 2020 is normal?). Mars in Pisces has been working us over, making us feel everything so intensely, pushing us to tune in emotionally and intuitively to our visions for action. It’s been inspiring us, and sometimes triggering us. The big push has been to align with how we as individuals can contribute our best for the greater good.

Now Mars is on the move, shifting into its own sign of sidereal Aries for the next two months. Aries and Mars are similar in nature: feisty, trailblazing, eager to leap into action, often impatient and even belligerent. Mars will be unhindered during its stay, meaning it can take do what it wants more than usual. This can be a good thing for those ready to move on the inspired ideas they have been developing over the last few months. With Jupiter and Saturn’s support (see last post), we can be productive. These 3 planets are all in cardinal signs that like to take forward movement. The challenge will be to do this with patience and grace. Mars has one foot on the gas while Saturn has one foot on the break. Jupiter’s job is to keep the inspired vision alive.

The Moon – the Celestial Mother – is traveling with Mars now as both journey from sidereal Pisces into Aries. They will stay together until Dec 26 and Mars will stay put until Feb 21. It feels like the Moon is mothering Mars as it prepares for its biggest shift of the year. We all need support in times of transition, even fiery Mars. Keep in mind this combo is highly sensitive and can get easily hurt, so putting the energy into supportive, nurturing acts over the next few days is best. Mars’ movement from a water sign into a fire sign also brings us into the infamous “gandanta / tied spiritual knot” degrees which push us to release from the old ways. There’s so much of this going on right now from so many planets; if we aren’t already looking into these aspects of our lives, it’s definitely time.


Dec 29 at 22:28 EST: Full Moon in Ardra: Efforts Create Brilliance / Managing Vata
