New Year’s Pluto Shift and Jan 12, 2021 New Moon in Uttara Ashadha: the latter victor

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*This Pluto piece below was written for the last Full Moon forecast for December 29/30, 2020. But as I did not want to overwhelm, I decided to leave it out and to save it for the 2021 Year Ahead forecast, which I had hoped to publish by now. (My apologies that I have not.) While the recent events in the US are attributed to more than just the recent shift of Pluto, it is certainly of critical influence. As planets shift and settle in, their energies can feel unstable and also eager for the change they carry with them. The last time Pluto was in (unstable) zero degrees of sidereal Capricorn (and with Saturn) was February 26, 2020 until June 28, 2020. As we all recall, this was a time of massive unrest and upheaval around the globe. When planets return to the same place they were, we get to revisit that energy with them. This time, Pluto will stay in zero degrees of Capricorn again from Dec 30, 2020 until Jan 29, 2021.
The last Full Moon of December and the first New Moon of January are both influenced by Pluto.
Pluto, whose influence is recognized but not traditionally focused on in Jyotish, is also connecting to this *Full Moon (*December 29/30, 2020), creating a space for deeper reflection and release – what we are already tuning into. More importantly, Pluto is on the move, shifting back into sidereal Capricorn for the next 20 years. Pluto connects to death and destruction on all planes but especially in the metaphysical world. Pluto’s challenge and gift is to restructure us from deep within. Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn, connects to structure, organization, authority, success – things of the earthly realm. Capricorn’s focus is on structure and stability, career and finances. We are likely to see changes in our collective ideas and application of larger societal structures like leadership, government, and how we support and serve one another. While Pluto’s shift can shake us, the benefit is Capricorn will restrain Pluto’s urge to completely uproot us, asking it to have a plan, and create action steps for the long term.

We are in a time of change, and as we all know, we each must shift in order to support the larger shifts to occur with the least amount of trauma. As Pluto moves back into sidereal Capricorn for the 20 years, it’s begging us to make deep shifts in how we operate in the world.

Jan 12-13, 2021: NEW MOON in UTTARA ASHADHA: The Latter Victor
The New Moon, bridging two days, will also bridge two signs. It will be in 29 degrees of sidereal Sagittarius just before midnight EST, and will quickly shift into sidereal Capricorn 1 hr 40 min later where it will join Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury, all in degrees of Capricorn. To reiterate: the Capricorn / Saturn connection we are all working with now is about structure, stability and sustainability. Planning and taking measured action steps without overwhelm is exactly what this planetary combo is asking of us – and for the first quarter of the year – so take your time. Map things out. Be realistic with your time, energy and capabilities. Say no or not yet when necessary. This 2021 New Year New Moon brings this energy home but also reminds us that none of it is possible without having a vision.

This Uttara Ashadha New Moon strives to align with the Truth, what is best for the spiritual journey, with growth and a sense of joy and adventure always in its heart. Uttara Ashadha (very prominent in the sky now, beyond this New Moon) is a good listener, dives fully into activities it's drawn to, and is best at "planting seeds" and growing a phenomenal "garden." Its name means "latter victor" in Sanskrit, and it is successful due to its careful planning. It is ruled by the 10 Vishvadevas whose names translate to: goodness, truth, willpower, skill, time, desire, forbearance, ancestors, abundance, and joy. All of these are influencing us now as we sow new seeds.


PLANETARY CLUSTER and the FULL MOON in Pushya the Nurturer: Jan 28, 2021 14:15 EST


Dec 29 at 22:28 EST: Full Moon in Ardra: Efforts Create Brilliance / Managing Vata