April 22-June 1, 2024: Mars joins Rahu in sidereal Pisces: Contraction for Expansion

Mars is on the move! April 22, 2024 at 23:09 eastern time, Mars shifts out of sidereal Aquarius, where it’s been sitting for the past 5 weeks with stern Saturn, and into sidereal Pisces for the next 5.5 weeks where it will sit with Rahu, the chaotic North Node of the Moon. When Mars and Rahu come together, they can be highly motivated, but can also be reckless and create upheaval if not well-organized and focused. Mars and Rahu want to take action and go go go as far and as fast as they can. Knowing when and how to slow down is important as this combo can overextend and create burnout, especially when in sensitive Pisces who yearns to connect deeply.

Where Mars goes in our charts or in the sky, our attention follows. It gives us energy, motivation, strength and courage, and is ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. When inspired, it can be an incredible activist. When pushed to the brink, it can be reactive and flare into extreme emotions and actions. Rahu is a wild card and a bit of a rascal who can do amazing things, but needs direction to be effective - and then freedom to explore and play. Pisces, a water sign ruled by Jupiter in Vedic Astrology, is creative, dreamy, sensitive, intuitive, empathetic and so deeply feeling that it craves and benefits from quiet alone time to process. Being the last sign of the zodiac and the final water sign, Pisces’ ultimate goal is to help us go inward, to let go, and transcend into the beyond - not unlike the gaseous phase of water merging with the atmosphere around it. Pisces wants expansion but its focus is more internal and spiritual - in a contracted way so to speak - meaning in meditation and quiet contemplation, with a journal or a book, in a creative or communal place with others on a similar path. From there, it plugs in, recharges and is ready to connect.

Mars is at its best when it has a mission to accomplish. As a fire planet entering a water sign like ethereal and empathic Pisces, it needs to *feel* elevated and believe in the purpose in order to take action. Rahu, the North Node of the Moon connected to ether element, has no container and is a little bit sneaky by nature. It likes to either throw us curve balls or help us get further along on our karmic journey. These planets both require a plan of action in order to be effective. Rather than holding them (ourselves!) to a super strict schedule over the next 5.5 week, it will be beneficial to have wiggle room incorporated into it. Taking a break and going off the path for a bit can help reinvigorate our creativity and motivation, which can then open up the journey ahead in beautiful and unexpected ways. We might not know what to do at times and we may even feel lost. Be patient with yourself (and others) during this time as this is part of the process. Reaching for things that help ground and get back on track (even in a loose way) will be our best helpers during this time. Mars does well when it gets physical - yoga, massage, anything where we are moving our bodies. As Pisces rules the feet, walking and biking are especially helpful during this time to help break through blockages in our days. And Rahu is up for anything different and off the beaten path.

On a larger scale, we can expect more marches as a form of protest to help break down old patriarchal systems. Mars and Rahu can get intense, but Pisces is a peaceful sign; it’s the original “one love” / “flower power” protestor that recognizes we are all made of the same stardust. We just need to take time away from the humdrum busy-ness to realize this and then approach each other from this space of love and interconnectedness.

At best, this transit will help more people truly feel this and perhaps pivot in order to live their lives by this. Like when the student asked: "How should we treat others?", and Ramana Maharshi replied: "There are no others."

Questions to ponder and actions to support you during this time:

🌸How social are you feeling?

—Mars in Pisces needs alone time and craves quiet. It needs to go inward and to regroup before interactions. Contraction before expansion. Try to incorporate some into your day so you don’t feel pushed behind your capability.

🌸Where are you feeling pulled?

—If you managed to get some plans on paper during the Mars-Saturn in Aquarius transit during the last 5 weeks, the current planetary combo will look at the list and say, “I feel THIS is calling me right now,” and will get busy on it. They’re going to do what they want — and it might not be what we thought we were supposed to do! This is part of the transcendence / surrender of Pisces. Sometimes it will pull you to places you didn’t expect or think you needed - but it may be exactly where you were meant to be. Remember Pisces is ruled by Jupiter: trust the process and trust yourself.

🌸What new paths are you exploring? Do you have big expectations of them? Of yourself?

—Tip: give yourself space to not produce a final result right now but rather use this time as opportunities for deeper exploration and soul searching. Think about the focus of the recent April eclipse: what is the new path presenting? This new Mars placement will help us to start to bring it about. When Mars moves closer to and over the eclipse degrees the 3rd week of May, expect to more clarity and drive.

🌸How are you doing with your time management and accomplishing your tasks and goals? Are you getting things done on your list, or are you finding you’re needing more time?

—Mars and Rahu can be incredibly competitive, fast and action-oriented as long as we give them direction and time off to decompress and play. Blocking out down time will be essential going forward. Set alarms for tasks: 22-25 min timers are great! Have anchors in your day like: set meal times, set bedtime and night routine, set time for meditation and other personal practices. And most importantly: do not overbook yourself and give yourself permission to adjust as needed. Set aside down time to wander, dream and be inspired or simply do nothing. Just come back home. Both are critical for this moment.

🌸Not sure where to go? Move your body. Take a walk or go for a ride or drive without the pressure of a destination. Over the next 5.5 weeks, setting aside quiet time for meditation, spiritual and creative pursuits - or even just giving yourself time to “space out” a bit - whatever that looks like - will be essential for managing the energy we’re working with. It’s important to understand that this alone time is in fact restorative and supportive of furthering along the creative pursuits.



JUPITER in sidereal TAURUS: May 1, 2024-May 14, 2025: Good Things Grow from a Solid Foundation


April 23, 2024 at 19:48 Eastern time: Full Moon in sidereal Libra, Swati: Resilience and Growth