April 23, 2024 at 19:48 Eastern time: Full Moon in sidereal Libra, Swati: Resilience and Growth

The Full Moon will be in Swati, meaning “self”’or “sword” in Sanskrit. Swati's symbol is the wheat sprout or a blade of grass blowing in the wind, beginning as small seeds full of potential, always reaching towards the Sun. Swati is gentle yet powerful. It is built to withstand the elements, and does so with grace and beauty, persistence and patience. It yearns for growth on every level as its symbols and deities show us. 

Saraswati, the goddess of education, presides over this beautiful sign, along with Vayu and Hanuman. Vayu, the God of the Wind, gives us our breath, our Prana and life force; it is what sustains us and gives us the vitality to keep moving forward. Hanuman, often called the son of Vayu, is full of devotion, courage and discipline; they say he can move mountains. All of these deities have incredible strength and stamina, as well as eagerness to keep pushing forward and, even more so, to growth through difficulty and the changing winds in our lives. These same qualities are available to us through this Swati Full Moon. 

Being ruled by Rahu and Venus, Swati strives to find the balance between itself and others, when to bend with the breeze or when to branch off and be independent. This is where personal development is key for this sign and the current moment we’re in as our practices help us sharpen our skills and anchor into ourselves so can discern what genuinely works for us and what doesn’t. Eventually, Swati returns its wisdom back to society as a teacher, spiritual guide or in charitable service. 

As we move through this Full Moon and the next few weeks of major planetary shifting, some questions to hold close to your heart and ponder:

✨In what areas do you feeling like a seed full of potential? What aspects of life are growing or ready for growth? 

✨Where do you have discipline? Where are you lacking it? What about enthusiasm? Devotion? Do you think these could be connected? 

✨Where do you feel independent? Where do you need support?

✨How have you been withstanding storms?

✨Do you recognize how powerful you are?

Here is a simple Swati-inspired pranayama/meditation to support you.

🌱Sit quietly, legs crossed, back straight, eyes closed, and focus on your deep and steady breath.

🌱On the in-breath, visualize energy and strength coming into your body from the ground. Imagine this energy/ light/ nourishment travelling all the way up to your head.

🌱On the out-breath, visualize this energy traveling down your body back into the earth where it takes root.

🌱Continue to breathe in and out like this. 

🌱Visualize roots growing from you base, going deep into the soil helping to keep you grounded and solid, like a tree.

🌱Practice this in-breath/ out-breath visualization as many times as you need to until you feel centered.

☀️Eventually, allow the in-breath to fill you with nourishing light and then radiate outwards. When you feel full and able, let this light travel as far as you would like and to whoever needs this support.



April 22-June 1, 2024: Mars joins Rahu in sidereal Pisces: Contraction for Expansion


April 8, 2024 14:21 PM New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse Revati 25°12 sidereal Pisces: The Roads We Walk