New Moon Swati Sidereal Libra Nov 1, 2024 at 8:47am eastern time: Winds of Change/Growth Opportunities 

The New Moon is in the beautiful sign of Swati, meaning “independent” or “very good” in Sanskrit, symbolized by coral, the wheat sprout or a blade of grass, and the buffalo. Swati is directly linked to Saraswati, the Goddess of Education and Music, and to Vayu, the God of the Wind, giving Swati the power to scatter things. This can be helpful when “planting seeds” (like when want your message spread far and wide), but can also make us feel unfocused and untethered. Being ruled by entrepreneurial, rebellious and changeable Rahu, Swati can be very driven — but also hard to pin down. This can feel frustrating for those who prefer dogma, predictability and that things to stay the same. But these same qualities give Swati a deep drive for personal development, and an adventurous and open nature as they go with the flow, navigating life and relationships with grace and ease. Its symbols give it the ability to bend with the wind (often times leading the change), and the stamina to keep moving forward.

New Moons generally give us a chance to reflect, give thanks, and prepare for the new. The recent lunar events have urged us look at our paths and prepare for what’s ahead. This New Moon in Swati, a resilient and persistent sign, is asking us to look at what new ways, ideas, beliefs and paths are opening up to us, which are growing easily, and which ones we are eager to nourish. As we connect with this first post-eclipse New Moon, it’s important to try to move forward with Swati’s flexibility, enthusiasm, independence and love of growth.

To consider:

*Swati has the ability to “wipe the slate clean” and even begin again. Does this resonate?

*What “winds” are changing in your life?

*What relationships and endeavors are exciting, adventurous, and growth-promoting?

*What opportunities for personal development and authenticity are presenting?

*Do you feel rooted or scattered?

**Remembering our roots (ancestral, spiritual, physical) and practicing yoga asana that highlight our root/first chakra (like tree pose or mountain pose), could be very helpful during this New Moon cycle.



Full Moon Krittika 29°48 Aries, Friday, Nov 15, 2024 at 4:28 PM eastern time: Leadership and Service in our Daily Lives


Oct 17 at 7:26am eastern time: Full Moon 00°22 Aries Ashwini: Where to Breathe New Life