New Moon in Cancer “Pushya” July 28, 2022 at 13:55 eastern time: Time for a Paradigm Shift: Old ways won’t open new doors

New Moon July 28, 2022 at 13:55 eastern time: Time for a Paradigm Shift: Old ways won’t open new doors

This is a no-nonsense New Moon. While it’s thankfully in its own sign of Cancer and in one of the most auspicious signs called Pushya the nurturer (making it compassionate and sensitive), it is also connecting with almost all of the hard-hitting planets. This can be tough on us mentally and emotionally, but this Moon is resilient and has purpose, so it won’t buckle beneath the pressure of the times. Instead, it’s asking us to assess what our days look like, and really think about what we want them to look like. “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”


The word “Pushya” in Sanskrit means to nourish and to flower. It takes time, effort and loving maintenance in order to bloom. Sometimes we overlook the areas that need reassessment because we get overtaken by the busy-ness of life, or we are more interested in focusing on the new things we are creating. New Moons are excellent opportunities to take stock and to plant seeds. This New Moon is the ultimate caretaker and asks us to think about foundational areas of our lives. It asks us to:


1)    go over what nourishes and fuels us – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually;

2)    get clear on exactly what these things are, how they show up in our every day, or are not showing up;

3)    be honest with ourselves about how we feel about our day to day lives;

4)    ask ourselves what we love, what we desire, what fills our hearts (more on this below);


Its message for us is simple: Do what nourishes you and what you desire, even if - especially if - this means a paradigm shift.


There is potential for this to be a very empowering New Moon. But like any changes, especially ones that involve releasing from old patterns and habits, it requires a lot of reflection, intention, and a whole lot of personal honesty. We are up for an upgrade and that takes effort. (


The New Moon’s sign Pushya is ruled by the Moon, the nurturer, and by Saturn, the planet of duty and service. Pushya’s ruling deity is Brihaspati, the lord of sacred speech, who is connected to Jupiter, the planet of spirituality and truth. Brihaspati asks us to speak the vision of what we desire from our day – from our lives – to the universe. This is the time to get really clear on what we want, what is authentic, and to take solid action steps towards making that manifest. It’s important to remember: this will not look like it has in the past and it will take time. This is a moment where major personal changes are being made, slowly but surely.


Moreover, the New Moon has direct aspects from Jupiter and Saturn (as well as Mars, Sun and Mercury) which magnify the need for us to do what is “right” and “helpful” not only for the greater good, but for ourselves. This is the no-nonsense part, in the best way possible: we are being pushed by this Moon (the heart and mind), and many other configurations lately to do what is right by us, to do what we love (explained why below), and what makes us feel free. Saturn is already retrograde, and Jupiter will station retrograde shortly after the New Moon; both of these planets will encourage us to get reflective and mindful of what we are intending in our lives.



This next part is fascinating, and will get a little astro-babbly so stick with me.

There is a very subtle energetic underlying this New Moon time: the Moon and all inner planets are in the “third pada” of the sign they are in. This 3rd pada/quarter of the sign connects to the element of air and the “kama” or desires aspect of our life purpose. This is highlighted at the moment by the New Moon and many other planets. The outer planets are mostly in the 4th pada at the moment: the “moksha” or freedom/release energetic. When we merge these two underlying motivations, we see the focus is on doing what we love – what our hearts desire – and how this can bring us a deeper sense of liberation. While these “padas” change quickly, what is highlighted at the moment of the New Moon will influence us this next lunar cycle, so keep tuning into these in your life. When we are being authentic, we will feel these energetics align.


[the astro-babble extended: padas are quarters of each of the 27 Vedic nakshatras, giving us 108 padas. Each pada or quarter connects to an element (fire, earth, air, water), its own ruling sign and planet (which is what determines the D9 divisional chart), and a motivating life energy. There are 4 “purushartas” or major life purposes: dharma/purpose, artha/security, kama/desires, moksha/liberation.The importance of this right now is that there is an overwhelming amount of the 3rd pada and many 4th pada showing up, magnifying these subtle energies in our lives this next lunar cycle.]


Jupiter will go retrograde a few hours after the pinnacle of the New Moon. Its forecast will follow.


Jupiter Retrograde has us Reset Intentions from One New Moon to Another: July 28 – Nov 23, 2022


July 13: Full Moon in Uttara Ashadha: Keep Focused, You got this / Saturn rolls back into Capricorn