Dec 1, 2024 at 1:21am ET: New Moon Anuradha 15°20 Scorpio: Friendship and Foundation 

The New Moon in sidereal Scorpio is in the “friendship star” Anuradha, a sign that is focused on devotion, friendship, and the power of community. There’s a magnetic, almost sacred, energy in Anuradha that draws people together in deep, meaningful ways. Ruled by the deity Mitra, whose motivation is to be a steady support and good friend, this New Moon highlights our connection to others. Being ruled by Mars and Saturn, this Moon’s forte is consistent effort that leads to clarity, cooperation, manifestation and eventually abundance. Its symbols are the triumphal arch and the lotus, reminding us that even when things seem slow and murky, if we are well-rooted and have patience with the process, our efforts will beautifully blossom.

While this is a very encouraging New Moon, we have some challenging undertones which can create emotional swings: from feeling like we have it together to feeling like we’re falling apart. The Moon is exchanging signs with Mars, and both are considered to be hindered by the signs they are in. Looking to Saturn (the nakshatra ruler of these planets) for support is recommended. Remedies with a leaning towards the Moon and Mars should be helpful, such as: creating a meal plan, keeping our food simple and easily digestible, having some kind of accessible physical routine that will focus on building strength (muscular and bone health). The key is to keep things realistic, not overwhelming and doable. Ayurveda says, “When life gets hectic, go simple.” This is the mantra for this month regarding interactions, expectations and especially our mental/emotional/physical health.

This New Moon also encourages to lean on friends this next lunar cycle with regular check ins. When we look at the season and the events that typically take place this time of year, it can be a combination of feeling overloaded and overwhelmed, but it can also be quite lonely for many. Anuradha naturally draws us to roles of guidance or mentorship, and this Moon is reminding us to be a friend and to keep our connections going so we don’t get to the place of extreme emotions.

Jupiter is also aspecting this New Moon. It’s retrograde until mid February, which can make us second guess our plans and paths, but it can also be an opportunity to take a look at the bigger picture we’re directing, and reach out to mentors, coaches and teachings that have been supportive of us in the past. The Moon’s connection to Mercury Retro is also reinforcing a similar message as Jupiter, but with this specific lunar cycle, journaling is especially supported and powerful.

Some prompts to journal about and questions to consider:
Who has been a good friend?
Who are you offering supporting to?
How is your foundation? Have you been strengthening your roots?
Have you been connecting regularly with your support system?
Are your emotions steady? Or do they fluctuate and swing in extremes?
How’s your self care?
Are you journaling? Discussing things with someone you trust?
What reflective practices have been helpful and easy to access?



Dec 15, 2024 at 4:01am ET: Full Moon in sidereal Taurus 29°40 Mrigashirsha: the Search Is On


Full Moon Krittika 29°48 Aries, Friday, Nov 15, 2024 at 4:28 PM eastern time: Leadership and Service in our Daily Lives