Mercury Retrograde Jan 14-Feb 3: Tune Up Time

TUNE-UP TIME: Mercury retrograde in sidereal Capricorn with Saturn, the Sun and Pluto: Jan 14 at 6:42am until Feb 3 at 23:13 eastern time

Many are familiar with the challenges Mercury retrograde can present: issues with technology, communication (with others and even internal confusion), transportation (including travel plans and personal vehicles) all seem to pop up the days around when Mercury begins to shift. Because of the sign (Capricorn) and planets this Mercury retrograde is connecting with over the next 3 weeks, and because of some other astrological events coming up soon after Mercury shifts, the foundation we are laying now is hopefully one of deeper (self) understanding, and peace and calm upon which we can build. Shravana, the prominent Vedic sign influencing us, is a patient and sensitive listener, and a kind and thoughtful counselor. Keeping its attributes in mind will be helpful. But remember: the areas we are being asked to focus on are the areas some will kick against, especially when retrogrades present, as they are now. Here are some tips to consider the next 3 weeks, and into the next 3 months.

RETREAT and BRAINSTORM: We have strong Saturn and Capricorn energy with us until the end of March, reminding us that planning is key, and that some things can’t be rushed. This retrograde time will encourage us to take two steps back, evaluate what we’ve been doing, and to brainstorm possible next steps. Mercury and Saturn, who are sitting together, like it when we write things down. Moving ideas and challenges out of our heads and onto paper decrease anxiety and allow us space for reflection and problem-solving. What we are seeing are the bones of our (internal, personal, professional) process, what needs support and how. Saturn likes us to make a plan and to commit to forward moving steps – eventually.

TONE: They say communication is only 7% the words we say. The rest is body language (55%) and the tone we use (38%). Tone gives us a window into the thoughts and feelings not being said. It’s one of the most powerful components of dis/connection as it can repel us or draw us in. With Mercury (the Great Connector) and a number of other planets in the sound and music-loving Vedic sign of Shravana, tone will play a prominent role via Mercury until Jan 22 and until the end of March via other planets (Saturn, Venus, Mars, Sun all making stops in Shravana). We are being given ample time to observe the tone we use with others and with ourselves, and to consciously make adjustments we might find helpful.

MANTRA: An easy remedy for this time is to chant AUM, the mantra directly connected to the Vedic sign of Shravana, which happens to vibrate at the same frequency of everything in nature (432 Hz).

“Om represents everything – the beginning, the middle and the end, the past, the present and the future. It encompasses all sounds – mankind, nature, machinery … it is the hum of the earth.” ~Mandukya Upanishad

With many planets in Shravana until the end of March, we have time to really create a simple mantra practice; it takes 21-90 days to make or break a habit. Some of the many benefits of mantra include:

o opening the larynx fully which in turn stimulates the vagus nerve (this is especially true of AUM)

o mantra calms the nervous system and strengthens the “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system

o it oxygenates the blood

o it increases heart-rate variability (meaning very simply that it strengthens the heart so it can do more with less output)

o mantra increases memory

o due to the vagus nerve stimulation, AUM increases joy and connectivity in our lives

ABHYANGA – SELF MASSAGE: As the skin and the nervous system are made up of the same tissue in utero (the ectoderm), Ayurveda says when we nourish the skin, we nourish the nervous system. Mercury rules the nervous system which operates best when it has enough “kapha”: moist, smooth, grounding energy. Saturn is drying and benefits from daily routine. Venus (connected to the skin) is also retrograde now until the end of January. While there are many remedies and recipes we could reach for, practicing Ayurvedic self-massage is an excellent way to support these planets which are traveling together until March. The resources page on my website has great info on the benefits, contra-indications, and how to do an Ayurvedic self-massage ( 

*My automated scheduler is up! Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last few months!


Jan 17 Full Moon in sidereal Cancer, Pushya nakshatra: Drop the Drama
