July 1-Aug 18, 2023: Mars in sidereal Leo: Let Your Inner Light Shine

July 1-Aug 18, 2023: Mars in sidereal Leo: Let Your Inner Light Shine

Mars will be moving into sidereal Leo on July 1 for the next 7 weeks. This will be a welcome as vibrant Leo will add some enthusiasm to action-loving warrior Mars who has been in more internally-focused signs since August 2022 (except for its stint in Gemini March 10-May 12). While the previous signs were granting us the chance to focus on ourselves, regroup and reorganize (because they also upended many of us), Mars in Leo gives us courage, excitement, joy, savviness, the desire to celebrate and the ability to shine brightly. It can also get a little hungry for attention so we have to check our motivation. 

As Mars moves from sensitive and heart-centered Cancer to dynamic and exuberant Leo, let’s not forget the lessons and gifts (in funny wrapping paper) of the last season: being able to give or let go with love, being in tune with what is best and in our highest good, and being clear on what feels the most nurturing in the new environment we’re in, and mostly in the new versions of ourselves. 

But at the moment, we are in a transitional space. Self care is magnified as Mars moves through the “gandanta” tied knot degrees as we walk the bridge from sidereal Cancer into Leo last week and next week. When planets are in these special degrees, emotions are heightened, floods and fires can happen internally and on the earth plane. Spiritually, gandanta times like now present an opportunity for internal shifting, which usually doesn’t come about in a gentle fashion. Areas to focus on: the heart-mind connection, healthy emotional expressions, connecting to courage, and cultivating the ability to give and receive love and nurturing. Remember: the tuned in heart gives way to the generous heart.  

Questions to consider:

🔥How did you get uprooted and replanted in the last year?

🔥When/where/how did you have to surrender?

🔥Have you nurtured yourself and others?

🔥What’s your motivation rooted in?

🔥Do you feel courageous?

🔥Are you leading with devotion and joy?

🔥Are you connecting with people’s hearts, or wanting to be admired? 

🔥Are you ready to allow your inner light to shine? 

Remedies below: 

❤️Lion pose/breath

❤️Heart openers like cobra, camel, bow, bridge pose

❤️Spinal twists to activate solar plexus

*always defer to yourself or your practitioner and remember the yoga tenet of body comfortable*


July 3, 2023 at 7:38am ET: Full Moon in Purva Ashadha: Giving Thanks to the Teachers and the Path
