FULL MOON in Purva Bhadrapada, sidereal Aquarius: Saturday, Sept 10, 2022 at 5:59am eastern time: DO IT ANYWAY
FULL MOON in Purva Bhadrapada, 23°31 degrees of sidereal Aquarius: Saturday, Sept 10, 2022 at 5:59am eastern time: DO IT ANYWAY
When we look back to the recent New Moon in sidereal Leo/Magha (https://www.lexneon.com/forecasts/new-moon-saturday-aug-27-417-am-eastern-time-in-sidereal-leo-magha-the-influence-of-the-lineage-what-to-continue-and-what-to-release), we were reminded of the ancestral karmas we carry, and encouraged to put down what isn’t authentically ours. This Full Moon in sidereal Aquarius in Purva Bhadrapada is driving this idea home. It is quite skilled at burning off karmas and limiting beliefs, and, being bold, it is more than willing to dive head-on into the fire. Thankfully, this Moon is in special degrees which are considered to be protected (pushkara navamsa), and so gives us an extra boost of confidence to go about tackling the tough stuff on our plates.
This Full Moon is fierce by nature, but can suffer from stage fright, just like anyone. Its moto could easily be: “I’m nervous, and I’m going to do it anyway” – and then puts its all into it. Because of the connections the Moon is making to other planets (Venus, Sun, Ketu) and that it sits in between Saturn Rx and Jupiter Rx, the Full Moon in Purva Bhadrapada is asking us to look more deeply into our fears and to stand up tall, despite our quivering knees.
The symbols and deity of this Full Moon offer us insight and encouragement. One symbol is a man with two faces, showing us we stand on the threshold of two worlds, of two realms, of two possible realities. The deity is Aja Ekapada, the one footed goat (also depicted as a unicorn), is said to be a form of Rudra the god of storms, telling us we can weather the storm – and that we sometimes need to be mindful of the storms we create. It has internal strength to persevere, regardless of adversity. Its name translates as “a ray of light,” reminding us of the silver lining we hold onto and the clarity and calm that can come in challenging times. The veil is thin with this Full Moon and being honest about who we are and where we are headed is the number one priority.
Focus questions and recommended activities below.
Questions to consider:
· What are you worrying or feeling anxious about?
· Can you take a deep breath and go for it anyway?
· What is it you are on the brink of?
· What feels like it’s uniquely yours to share?
· What storms have you weathered?
· Have you been creating any chaos/storms? Or working on wrangling them?
· If you are on the other end, do you have a sense of calm and clarity?
· Can you see your own strength and uniqueness?
Activities that are supported by this Full Moon time:
· We are supported in doing different and difficult tasks during this Full Moon phase. If you have challenging projects ahead of you (especially Mercury Rx “back burner projects”), the next few days and weeks are a great time to go for it. This can be actual projects but also emotions as this sign has an affinity to the rough waters.
· Think about the modalities to support these systems: rasa dhatu, lymphatic system (massage, rebounding, gua sha…), udaka and ambu vaha srotas (focus on oleation and internal hydration), confronting and moving old stuck emotions…
· Modalities involving heat and water: saunas, sweat lodges, hot yoga, steam showers… the ideas is to bring up the “issues in the tissues” and to help purge them out. Ayurveda believes “swedana” – medicinal sweating – is key to releasing toxins (not just physical and environmental). As always, ask for guidance with this to make sure it’s ok for your system.
· Fire ceremony: write down the answers to the questions above and have a fire burning ceremony