Full Moon in Dhanishta, Aug 11, 2022 at 21:36pm eastern time: What music are you making?

Full Moon in Dhanishta, Aug 11, 2022 at 21:36pm eastern time: What music are you making?

When we think about the upcoming Full Moon, it’s helpful to look at the message from the last New Moon and consider how they are working together in our lives (https://www.lexneon.com/forecasts/new-moon-july-28-2022-at-1355-eastern-time-time-for-a-paradigm-shift-old-ways-wont-open-new-doors). The New Moon was in a degree of sidereal Cancer called Pushya the Nurturer, the ultimate matriarch who wants us to be “fed” in our cells and in our souls. We were asked to work with its message: what truly nourishes and fuels you? What makes you feel like you’re in alignment? This Full Moon takes it a step further.


The Full Moon on Aug 11 is in a degree of sidereal Capricorn called DHANISHTA, whose name means SWIFT and RICH. Dhanishta’s ruling planets, Mars and Saturn, are very different energetically: Mars is like having one foot on the gas while Saturn is like one foot on the break. When they come together like they do in this Full Moon sign, they have the chance to negotiate and work as a team. When we move with both Mars and Saturn in symphony, we can advance quickly, efficiently and beautifully. Because of its ruling planets, this Moon is skilled at discerning what is necessary and what is extra. Our actions (Mars) need to be precise, clear and even reserved at times (Saturn) in order to make music rather than create a cacophony.


Dhanishta’s symbols of the flute and the drum remind us of the importance of choosing wisely the “notes” we put out into the world. When we string a few notes together, we get a song. A few more and we have a concert. This Full Moon is like a great conductor for our orchestra: it’s tuned into the bigger picture, knows what parts need to be amplified and what needs to be in the background. Dhanishta asks us to be clear on where we put our time, our energy, our breath. Saturn’s strong influence on this Full Moon and the last New Moon wants us to also get clear on our purpose and our service.


This Full Moon asks:

What songs are you singing?

What music are you making?

Are you enjoying the concert?



New Moon Aug. 27, 4:17 a.m. in sidereal Leo, Magha: The influence of the lineage: What to continue and what to release


Mars in Taurus: Steady as we go: Aug 10-Oct 15, 2022 / Nov 13-March 12, 2023