Full Moon Feb 5, 2023 in Cancer, ASHLESHA: Speak Your Truth / Have Mindfulness in Intentions
Full Moon Feb 5, 2023 13:30pm eastern time in sidereal Cancer: ASHLESHA:
Speak Your Truth / Have Mindfulness in Intentions
The Full Moon will be in a powerful, highly intuitive and often times misunderstood degree of sidereal Cancer called “Ashlesha,” meaning “to embrace” or “to cling.” It is directly connected to the serpent, another feared and misunderstood being who is considered sacred in Vedic traditions and represents freedom and mastery over maya/illusion (among other things). Ashlesha’s symbol is two intertwined snakes, showing its medicinal abilities. On a more mystical and spiritual level, it represents the kundalini awakening: the coiled serpentine energy residing at the base of the spine that snakes up through the chakras and the nadis to flower over the head (like the cobra hood over Ganesha’s head). Reflecting for a moment on its intense symbolism shows us right away that we must be extra mindful of our intentions and our actions with this Full Moon as this is one of the most transformative and freeing signs, but also has the ability to do great harm if mentally/emotionally misguided.
This Full Moon can help us to speak our Truth regardless of the other’s response. This is key for the next few weeks: ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR TRUTH, EMBRACE IT and SPEAK IT – not recklessly, with malice or attention-seeking or vengeful pride (bc that is possible with Ashlesha, as are bruised egos), but with the understanding that voicing our authenticity from a place of inner stability is what we are each meant to do, and thus sets us free. Ashlesha is a dharmic sign: part of its motivation is to help us uncover our ethical paths, which can (very simply put) look like our purpose. This is rooted in a deep sense of trust and alignment – in divinity, in ourselves, in our inner guidance – and in being fearless to stand up and share our unique gifts. This is the foundation for real empowerment.
However, a challenge Ashlesha can face is instead of speaking up, it will bite its tongue. If you are finding you’re silent more often than not, take note of why: Are you judging if others will be able to handle what you have to say? Do you fear ridicule or lack of support? Are there any unprocessed thoughts/emotions or possibly even ill-will behind what you want to share? (If so, then maybe it’s time for a different conversation.) Are you nervous to share your True Self? Or are you simply not ready yet?
This is considered to be an unsupported Moon, although is given a boost by generous and spiritually-inclined Jupiter, and so it might take time for others time to get behind you. That’s ok; the previous New Moon in Uttara Ashadha is industrious and focused, and this Full Moon in Ashlesha is very self-reliant. Stay strong and remember we are in a time where we are reorganizing ourselves a bit and some might not be there yet. Often times with Ashlesha, people need time to digest the interaction and find the truth in it before they can reply. This is just part of the process, so try not to take it personally. This Full Moon can help us remember who we are and to stand by ourselves and our Truths, with permission and without apology.