Initial Full Reading
You may be having your chart read for many reasons: you might be at a crossroads, feel stuck or lost, have major decisions to make, or you may have always wanted a reading and feel the time right. Whatever the reason, there is likely a draw to inner growth, and a longing to connect in a deeper and more fulfilling way. The INITIAL FULL READING is the first session all new clients should receive as it is thorough and tremendously insightful. Your birth info (month spelled out/day/year, exact birth time, location) is necessary for this reading. You can send along focus areas if you’d like, however they are not necessary. If you are asking about a relationship or a business, please add on the additional birth chart option. In addition to an overall planetary analysis and intuitive information that often comes through for each client, the initial full reading includes explanations of the following, detailed below: your personal 4 life motivations, Rahu and Ketu karmic indicators, Gulika placement, predictions and proper timing, potential health inclinations from your Ayurvedic constitutional type, planetary remedies, planetary lines, and focus area or burning question.
The PURUSHARTHA: the highly personalized 4 LIFE MOTIVATIONS are connected to planets and placements specific to your chart. These driving forces in life help to answer your questions of life purpose, how to make money, and what brings you joy and liberation. We will cover:
DHARMA your purpose, duty or life path, your ethics, moral perspective
ARTHA your sense of security how you attain wealth, and when you feel strong in your core
KAMA your deeper enjoyments and desires that fuel you on your path
MOKSHA your sense of release, freedom, spiritual liberation, self-contentment and self-love
RAHU and KETU, the North and South Nodes of the Moon, are the “karmic dragons” you jump on, most times unknowingly, yet you feel their effects instantly: chaos and confusion are usually their initial trademark energies. As karmic indicators, they help you understand your past life gifts and where to focus in this lifetime. They can pinpoint areas in life that can overtake you, and where you may have uncertainty. Understanding how to manage these energies, how to make the most of them, what time frames they will show up, and what remedies will support you are discussed.
GULIKA, or “Black Saturn,” is a mathematical point in the chart that shows what you can’t avoid facing. It is the tricky spot in life that needs to be embraced with courage and enthusiasm as it will inevitably present itself over and over. Traditionally, it is said to “poison” the space it resides in and the connections it makes. However, what you will find is that it is your personal humility maker, always giving opportunities for true detachment and ego removal. It pushes you to lovingly connect with this aspect of yourself rather than neglect it, and to find the gifts out of the challenges it may present. You may come to realize that your life has actually been revolving around your Gulika placement, and that it eventually becomes an amazing tool for spiritual growth.
PREDICTIONS and PROPER TIMING using your personalized DASHA SEQUENCE, GOCHARA (TRANSITS), VARSHAPHALA (PROGRESSED CHART), and other SPECIAL PLANETARY EVENTS if applicable. You will feel empowered by understanding how to align yourself in order to support the manifestation process, and how long certain events will take to come to fruition. While certain events may seem possible from one angle, having the support from all predictive tools below is key to making accurate predictions.
DASHA: Think of your chart as a stage and each planet as an eager actor. When a planet’s part comes up, the spotlight shines on it as it takes center stage in your life, highlighting the joys, challenges, lessons and excitement associated with it from your chart. Dashas are the planetary time periods which line up to present a highly personalized road map for life. At any given moment, there are 5 levels of planets presenting – or 5 actors dancing together on your life stage. Which ones are receiving attention and when help us to determine the appropriate timing of life events, why certain things happen, and why others seem to lay dormant.
GOCHARA: While we are all experiencing the same planetary weather, where the gochara (current planetary transits) sit in your charts and how they interact with your planets will differ. Transits are analyzed from the ascendant and from the Moon.
VARSHAPHALA: Your varshaphala (progressed annual chart - not to be confused with your birth chart) changes each birth year. This chart gives us added insight as to where you should focus your energies and what is possible for the year.
SPECIAL PLANETARY EVENTS are also looked at and discussed if applicable, such as Saturn Return, Sadi Sati (a special transit of Saturn), recent Eclipses, transiting retrogrades, etc.
POTENTIAL HEALTH INCLINATIONS and AYURVEDIC CONSTITUTIONAL TYPE: Ayurveda, known as the Mother of all Healing and the Science of Life, is the ancient healing tradition from India. Its basic tenet of “for whom and when” makes its approach to health and healing very personalized. We will look at your Ayurvedic constitution from your chart, the divisional charts that reveal potential health inclinations and imbalances, as well as the remedies and modalities to support bringing balance back.
PLANETARY REMEDIES: Some planets need extra support in order to shine brightly in your life while others creating challenges may require mitigating. Understanding your personal connection with the planets needing remedies is key to the healing process. Appropriate and accessible remedies are discussed and agreed upon, as well as how and when to do them. The most important aspect to any remedy is your perspective and that you are in alignment with the intentions you have set forth for the planet you are working with.
PLANETARY LINES: This map, that is emailed to you, shows planetary lines that correspond to placements in your birth chart. You will receive a basic analysis of what locations can support or hinder certain aspects of your life.
FOCUS AREAS or BURNING QUESTIONS: We will answer any questions you may have during the reading. It is helpful to know if you have special areas you would like to cover in your reading, although not necessary as we will cover a lot in the reading as it is. If you have any burning questions, please send along the date/time/place when the question first arose and we will pull up a chart for it. Please note it is not necessary to send detailed information. Additional birth charts about family members, love interests, or work partners are considered an additional birth chart, so please click on the “extra birth chart” add on below.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are trying to pick a date for an upcoming event, please also choose the “AUSPICIOUS TIMING ADD-ON” for your session.