Partial Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 at 16:28pm eastern time in 16’18 sidereal Aries in Bharani, “the Bearer”


*Eclipses shine the spotlight on what’s been hidden, allowing for the truth to emerge. The days around an eclipse are often full of secrets being revealed for those who have them, and personal revelations and shifts occurring for those ready for them. Eclipses can usher in massive change. This is the first eclipse of the year, on April 30 at 16:28 eastern time. Its Lunar Eclipse partner will be on May 16 at 00:14. This pair of eclipses is about rebirth and the patience required to actualize our purpose.

It is said eclipses magnify what we are focusing on during the eclipse, so take time beforehand to get clear on what you are ready to release and what you wish to bring forth in your life. Writing them down and then sit in quiet meditation during the eclipse is the best way to work with the eclipse. It is not recommended to do everyday activities during an eclipse, nor is it recommended for pregnant people to look directly at an eclipse. Take the time out to go inward and see what has been eclipsing you, what old habits you are ready to release, and what new direction is opening for you.


Partial Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 at 16:28pm eastern time in 16’18 sidereal Aries in Bharani, “the Bearer”

This Bharani Moon is negotiating with a few tough customers (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun), which can create exhaustion in the heart, mind and physical bodies – because we are being pushed to look at what’s not serving, and to make the changes necessary. The eclipse message: We can’t reject or shy away from the (re)birth process we are being presented with, which may take more courage and excitement than usual right now. It requires major releasing of old skins, old habits, old mindset, old ways of working with others. If you take the time to feel into this, it probably won’t take long to figure out what is asking to change in your life.

What will take time is the transformation process (of course, but it’s worth noting in our instant gratification world!). The Lunar Eclipse on May 16 in Vishakha (the sign of purpose, patience and perseverance) will drive this message home. Saturn’s recent shift, albeit for a short time, is also asking the question: what is up in your life for leveling up/ working in a new way? We have some retrograde energy coming up soon (Mercury on May 10, then Saturn on June 4) which won’t let us move forward too quickly. There is much to be learned in the retrograde reflection and reassessment. We may feel like we are taking two steps forward, one step back over much of the rest of 2022… but that’s just where we are. And when you think about it, this is how children learn and grow. They try and try again, gaining confidence and mastery as they engage in new growth points. And they celebrate themselves each time! They don’t give up and throw in the towel because they couldn’t walk perfectly on their first try! Keep this in mind over the next 6 months, and make sure to celebrate the small victories. 



May 10-June 3: Mercury Retrograde: Comfort vs Disruption


Take Off the Blinders and Pick Up the Binoculars: Saturn Shifts Into Sidereal Aquarius