Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: Monday, March 25, 2024 at 3:00am eastern time in Hasta 10°55 sidereal Virgo: Release and Reveal


Eclipses are considered to be powerful revealing events that shine the spotlight on areas that have been hidden or are ready to be seen. They can make secrets public, as we always see in the news the days immediately surrounding an eclipse. They highlight our karmic connections and give us opportunities for further engagement or release. They can usher in massive change, especially if there are connecting to planets in our personal birth charts. To utilize this time and energy wisely, it’s recommended to go within using guidance from the planetary alignments and the nakshatra (Vedic sign) prominent during the eclipse (detailed below). As eclipses have a magnifying effect, the suggestion is to not treat the time around the eclipse like any other day but rather to engage in spiritual and personal practices. For ex: doing yoga, journaling, grounding breathwork, intention setting, and focused visualizations before the eclipse followed by meditating around the height of the eclipse (which is 3:12am) are recommended. Its counterpart is the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8 at 2:21 PM Revati 25°12 Pisces (forecast to come).

•Lunar Eclipse in Hasta•

The Full Moon / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will be in a beautiful degree of sidereal Virgo called Hasta, the hand, ruled by Mercury and the Moon. Hasta is a sign with powerful intuition, healing hands, and a strong analytical sense. It has a well balanced left-right brain / heart-mind connection, and listens to and trusts the internal nudges its feeling. If not, it sets off to find the information it needs to make a decision that feels aligned, and to create a strategy for moving forward.

The challenge of a Lunar Eclipse where the Moon sits with Ketu, especially one that’s surrounded by unsupported Moon energy (see recent reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4tS1ulxVa2/?igsh=bjA0MzRtazZocGEw or https://www.facebook.com/share/r/igAjwV3aBMaNWbYT/?mibextid=WC7FNe) is that we can easily question ourselves and the paths we are considering. Dissecting the doubt and disposing of old limiting beliefs that are the cause of the underlying imbalance are important for this lunar event, not dismissing our ideas and inclinations as nonsense. On the contrary, insight that come with an eclipse can be very karmic in nature and deserve further thought. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is asking us to let go of the old ideas and possible criticism and underestimating we may do of ourselves. This eclipse is another opportunity to “move the issues out of the tissues,” as my mentor Dr. Lad says.


With hands-on modalities like: lymphatic massage, abyangha (Ayurvedic self massage), marma, acupuncture, tapping, reiki, and yoga (yin yoga or vinyasa are great as they encourage flow, and focus on compression poses that, once released, move the blood quickly to help break up stagnation). Clearing practices (like decluttering, cleansing, space clearing) are also supportive around this eclipse as this Full Moon connects to our health and wellness, as well as our homes and mental/emotional/energetic bodies. Hasta connects to healing hands so reach for things that can help get the energy and creativity moving like cooking, crafting, working in the garden or being in nature. And finally, because this degree of sidereal Virgo is governed by Mercury, mantra is also supported as an expression of the heart, as is writing your vision down, to get it out of your head and organized.

•Making it Personal•

Remember eclipses are revealing: sometimes it’s our gifts, sometimes its our own underbelly being brought to the light. Think of your habits - from diet, lifestyle, daily routine to mindset. Is there something you’re feeling tired of, like a sticky way you can’t quite shake? These are the things that have had their run, including the underlying uncertainty and even self-doubt, that are ready to be grappled with and released. The eclipses will shine the light on these areas, making it easier to identify what no longer serves us, and what next steps are being illuminated. Ketu (the eclipsing Node) helps us recall our gifts we might doubt or push away, and will remind us of paths it’s time to walk down as some of the ideas coming up may be old ones that were never fully realized.

However: Virgo is not one to jump onto a path without doing its due diligence and having a strategic plan laid out. This Eclipse does want not to leave you feeling ungrounded and untethered, floating off aimlessly into lands unknown because you felt pulled there. Hasta likes information and research, so follow up on the flashes of inspiration or intuition, and find the studies that help it get grounded in “reality” so things have solid footing moving forward.

•Questions to consider•

💡What are you inspired to do?

💡What areas of life are asking to be cleaned up and re-envisioned?

💡What’s been stopping you from moving forward? Is that still relevant?

💡What are you able to do consistently to help you move closer to your goal? Consider reconnecting with practices that have worked in the past.

💡What mantra / affirmation / growth mindset shift can you adopt to support you moving forward?



April 1 at 18:15 to April 25, 2024 at 8:54am eastern time: Mercury Retrograde and Gandanta from sidereal Aries to Pisces: Grace in the Unraveling


Mars in sidereal Aquarius, sitting with Saturn: March 15 (8:39am) – April 22, 2024 (23:09pm eastern time): STEADY STEPS TOWARDS CHANGE